摘 要:本文根据福建省地区地质地理特征及地质构造,对福建省地层及其矿性进行总结。根据环保局对于环境天然贯穿辐射水平的实地测量,根据其测点布局和选择,测量方法质量保证和测量的结果,对福建省原野γ辐射剂量率进行了研究。运用利用地球化学数据估算陆地γ辐射剂量的方法,将U、Th、K换算成238U、232Th、40K比活度再根据Beck公式算出陆地γ辐射剂量率,并于实测数据进行比较,分析优点和可行性。运用软件利用各个网格点的U、Th、K数据算出福建省陆地γ辐射空气吸收剂量,并根据福建省陆地γ辐射空气吸收剂量率的异常点位和原野γ实测的异常点位绘制了福建省陆地γ辐射空气吸收剂量率异常点位及原野γ实测异常点与地质关系图,分析异常点位与地层的关系,得出福建省花岗岩放射性水平偏高的结论。
关键词: 地层 γ辐射 异常点
Abstract:This paper introduces the main character of tectonics and the regional geological structure of Fujian Province. Also introduce the stratigraphy and quality of ore of Fujian in brief. The methods, type of measuring point and the results of the investigation on natural penetrating radiation level in Fujian Province which measured in the field by State Environment Protection Administration of China are presented in details. Sketch the natural γ radiation dose rate of Fujian Province. A method for estimating terrestrial γ radiation absorbed dose rate using geochemical data was introduced. Use U, Th and K2O in geochemistry data(transfer to the specific activity of 238U、232Th、40K) to calculate the terrestrial γ radiation absorbed dose rate by Beck Formula. And I analyze the advantages and the feasibility through comparing the result with the data in the fields. Calculate the terrestrial γ radiation absorbed dose rate by using U, Th and K2O in geochemistry data through a special software . List the abnormal points of natural γ radiation dose rate measured in the fields and the terrestrial γ radiation absorbed dose rate calculated indirectly and draw a picture about the relationship between the abnormal points and geology of Fujian Province. Analyze the relationship between the abnormal points and the stratigraphy. And we conclude that the granite’s radiation level is relative high.
Key Words:stratigraphy γ radiation abnormal point