摘 要:从长期受石油污染的土壤中,分离出一株能高效降解石油的菌株ST-2,该菌株能以石油为唯一碳源生长。通过菌落及菌株形态,革兰氏染色及穿刺实验结果和生长曲线,查询《伯杰细菌鉴定手册》鉴定菌株ST-2属葡萄杆菌属。其生物学特性研究结果表明,ST-2菌株的生长对数期在2~24h,60h后进入衰亡期;最佳生长温度为37oC,最佳生长pH为6.4,最佳盐度为15g/L,在30-40oC,pH5.8-7.2,盐度10-25 g/L之间都能良好生长;ST-2菌株的最适碳源为蔗糖和牛肉膏,也能很好的利用可溶性淀粉、葡萄糖;该菌株对牛肉膏作氮源的利用很好,无机氮源中对氯化铵的利用最好。
Abstract: Isolated from the long-term petroleum contaminated soil, one could effectively degrade the oil strain ST-2, the strains were able to to oil as the sole carbon source. Through the colony and strain morphology, Gram stain and puncture experimental results and the growth curve, the query "Berger bacterial identification manual identification of strain ST-2 is a grape spp. Their biological properties The results show that the growth of the ST-2 strain logarithmic phase in 2 ~ 24h, 60h and enter the decline phase; an optimum temperature of 37oC, the optimal growth pH of 6.4 and the optimum salinity of 15g / Lin 30-40oC, pH 5.8-7.2, salinity 10-25 g / L, can grow well; ST-2 strains, the optimal carbon source was sucrose and beef extract, but also make good use of soluble starch, glucose; the strains of beef extract as nitrogen source, the use of good, and inorganic nitrogen sources of ammonium chloride using the best.
Keywords: oil pollution, bioremediation, the ST-2 strains, influencing factors, biological characteristics