Abstract:BaTiO3 (BT) is the earliest discovered lead-free piezoelectric ceramics and the first applicable piezoelectric ceramic materials. However, due to the low Curie temperature (TC is about 120℃), and the relatively poor piezoelectric properties (d33 is about 190pC/N), BT-based ceramics are mainly used as dielectric materials applications (such as multilayer ceramic capacitors). As comparison, it has been rare to be used as the piezoelectric materials. In recent years, the BT-based lead-free piezoelectric ceramic is given high-level attention. In this study, the lead-free xBaTiO3-yCaTiO3-(1-x-y)BaZrO3 piezoelectric ceramics are prepared by the conventional solid-state reaction method sintered at 1450℃-1510℃ for 2 hours. Crystal structure and electrical properties of the xBaTiO3-yCaTiO3-(1-x-y)BaZrO3 ceramics were studied. The influences of sintering temperature and composition on the phase formation and density, and the impact of polarization conditions on the electrical properties of the xBaTiO3-yCaTiO3-(1-x-y)BaZrO3 ceramics were researched. The synthesized xBaTiO3-yCaTiO3-(1-x-y)BaZrO3 ceramics exhibit perovskite structure with slight content of impurity. With the increase of the CT content, the crystal structure of the xBaTiO3-yCaTiO3-(1-x-y)BaZrO3 ceramics changes gradually from pseudo cubic phase to tetragonal phase. The resistivity of the xBaTiO3-yCaTiO3-(1-x-y)BaZrO3 ceramics reaches the magnitude of 109Ωm, indicating the excellent insulated performance of the synthesized ceramics. The xBaTiO3-yCaTiO3-(1-x-y)BaZrO3 ceramics exhibit dielectric response character nearly similar to that of the normal ferroelectrics, but the dielectric peaks are obviously broaden due to the formation of the ternary solid solution. The xBaTiO3-yCaTiO3-(1-x-y)BaZrO3 ceramics exhibit symmetric and saturated P-E hysteresis loops. With the increase of Ca content and the decrease of Zr content, the values of remnant polarization Pr and coercive field Ec increase gradually. The Curie temperature of the xBaTiO3-yCaTiO3-(1-x-y)BaZrO3 ceramics also increases gradually with the increase of Ca content and the decrease of Zr content, but the Curie temperature is still less than 120℃. With the increase of the polarization electric field, the piezoelectric properties of the xBaTiO3-yCaTiO3-(1-x-y)BaZrO3 ceramics increase greatly. When the polarization electric field is 2.5kV/mm, piezoelectric constant d33 of most compositions of the xBaTiO3-yCaTiO3-(1-x-y)BaZrO3 ceramics exhibit the maximum values.
Keywords: perovskite structure; BaTiO3; piezoelectric properties; Curie temperature