摘要:本实验用水合肼还原硝酸铜溶液,合成了一维的铜纳米线,并对其结构加以表征。研究结果表明:合成时溶液中要求较高浓度的NaOH( >15 M),温度控制在80℃度左右,并且需要严格控制乙二胺与硝酸铜之间的比例。这样就可以得到一维的铜纳米线。透射电镜(TEM),和选区电子衍射(SAED)分析结果表明,我们可以得到长约(>10um)和直径约(< 100 nm)的单晶铜纳米线。粉末X-射线衍射(XRD)分析结果表明,制备的铜纳米线为面心立方晶体且不易氧化。最后,利用“Acrodisc”的孔径为0.45um的注射式过滤膜滤出铜线并接触转移到商用手机贴膜表面,获得了透光率为50%,平均表面电阻为26 Ω/sq的透明导电薄膜。
Abstract:In the experiment, we deoxidation Cu2+ in solution by hydrazine to obtain 1-D copper nanowires, and then its structure is characterized. The experimental result indicate that the aqueous solution of NaOH should be a high concentration(>15 M) , temperature of the mixture is controlled at about 80℃ and it’s necessary to balance the use level of ethylenediamine and Cu(NO3)2 . By that way we can obtain 1-D copper nanowires. TEM shows that the structure of the 1-D copper nanowires is long (>10 nm) and thin (<100 nm). SEAD shows that the copper nanowires is single crystal. The result of XRD showes that copper nanowires have a face centered cubic structure. We use Acrodisc Syringe Filter with 0.45um membrane to get clean copper nanowires .The film was bought in market which is used in cell-phone . The copper nanowirse in membrane was then put into contact with the film by hand, and the membrane was peeled away, leaving the copper nanowires on the film. This film has a transmittance of 50% and a sheet resistance of 26 Ω/sq.
Key words: Copper nanowires; Transparent; Conducting; Film