Abstract:Random walk theory has been widely applied in many areas of scientific research, such as diffusion, lattice vibrations, spin waves and the polymer, chemical reaction dynamics and so on .Those above issues can be dealt with random walk theory. Therefore, the random walk problem has been of concern to the people.
In this paper, the researcher aimed at studying one-dimensional random walk on lattices - the problem of non-uniform probability. In this article, the main calculation and the calculation process is: Firstly, Understanding and applying the simple one-dimensional periodic lattice random walk master equation; Secondly,Using the equation method to the one-dimensional random walk on lattices—non-uniform probability problems ;Thirdly, writing the matrix describing the evolution, and describing the evolution of the matrix diagonalization, solving the evolution problem in the k space after Fourier transform back to coordinate space; Finally, solving the square displacement average.After the calculation and the study, finding that I step random walk related to each step of the step and cycle the average lattice spacing of a,but not related to i taking odd or even and the size of L,S.
In this paper, I studied the random walk and the relationship between Brown campaigns. Through research, we are deeply aware of that there is a necessary link between the random walk and Brown exercises. So we can use random walk to examine the Brown campaign issue.
This research is expected to lay a foundation of solving the one-dimensional lattices the random walk on the more complex issues.
Keywords: One-dimensional lattices;The probability of non-uniform random walk ;Master equation method