Abstract:By using the method of hot air (as 35 ℃、38 ℃、40 ℃、50 ℃)Combined with wax coating to the pomegranate fruit under the conditions for the process at different times(as 10min、30min、60min), the results shows that under the conditions for the process by the hot air at the temperature of 50℃ and time of 10min, the case of the surface wounds of pomegranate fruit is better than Other temperature and time ,by use the method of hot air to deal with the pomegranate fruit, while its surface wounds can not Completely healed, the conditions of the color of scar and size of the wound area have improved significantly compared with the control group, and Its performance on the surface wounds of pomegranate fruit was smaller than the control group. However, if the surface wounds of pomegranate fruit was handled by the method of hot air(as condition of 50℃ and 10min )combined with the coated liquid paraffin, which can make the surface wounds of pomegranate fruit smaller and the color of scar lighter that Manifested as the pale yellow compared with the control group. Furthermore, the brightness of the surface wounds of pomegranate fruit is added by using the method of coating liquid paraffin.
Key words: Pomegranate; Heat treatment; Wound; Healing