ABSTRACT:This paper adopted HNO3:H2O2 1:1 as negate reagents, with High-pressure digestion method digested samples, In current-carrying solution acidity, reductant concentration of hydrochloric acid KBH4 and negative high-pressure for orthogonal experiment factors, Chosen three levels for orthogonal experiment, In the optimized conditions of orthogonal test, Obtain the optimal conditions for 5% of hydrochloric acid, negative high pressure for 270V, KBH4 concentration for 20g/L, According to the experimental optimized conditions , Drawn arsenic and mercury standard curve,Arsenic and the correlation coefficient was R = 0.9993, Mercury and the correlation coefficient was R = 0.9997,And hydrochloric acid at 5% current-carrying liquid, Joined in 10g/L thiourea masking agent for prereduction,20g/L KBH4 masking agent for reductant, By atomic fluorescence spectrometry cloud the content of arsenic coptis chinensis for 0.1347 mg/kg, mercury content was 0.0112 mg/kg. This method for measurement of the recovery 100.5% between, arsenic 94 percent - the detect limited for 0.0691 µg/L, mercury detect limit for 0.0253 µg/L.
Keywords: Coptis, Arsenic , Mercury, Atomic fluorescence spectrometry.