ABSTRACT:The experimental results are applied hexane/acetone (1:1) as extraction solvent, Seven Sorts of the organ chlorine pesticide in Auckland lapper Decent was extracted by ultrasonic method, the extract was cleaned up with Floristic solid column. studied in different ultrasonic time on the influence of extraction efficiency of different purification method, the influence of purification efficiency and obtained a optimal extraction purification process conditions for: 30 minutes in the conditions of ultrasonic, using hexane: methanol as activator , the volume is 1:1; using acetone: n-hexane as element, the volume is 1:9 , get the best effects to the cleansing product of target.
Key words:Auckland lapper Decent ;Gas chromatography; Florisil solid; Organ chlorine pesticide
目前,国内已制定了油脂、果蔬及食品中六六六和滴滴涕的GB检测方法和限量标准,而有关中草药中农药残留量的GB检测方法和限量标准还很少。《中国药典》2000年版首次规定了9种有机氯农药残留的检测方法,2005年版除甘草、 黄芪等药材外,对其余药材均未提出限量要求。因此检测重楼、云木香中有机氯农药残留,了解残留水平和制定限量标准是十分必要的。但却缺乏一