ABSTRACT:This paper introduces some heart of cabbage plants characteristics and research status, semiconductor green laser characteristics, laser breeding and semiconductor green laser irradiation heart of cabbage plants exploring ways and inquiry. Using semiconductor green laser irradiation MengZi area of planting sugar beet heart of cabbage plants, by controlling the time of laser irradiation seed germination rate, observation, germination potential, use 4802S double beam ultraviolet/VIS spectrophotometer spectral scanning, chlorophyll content determination, the vitamin content determination of greenery and analysis of heart of cabbage plants height, analyzes and compares the seeds of green laser irradiation of various characters after different, hoping to find promote growth and quality improvement best green laser radiation doses, in order to achieve the objective and Increasing lift.
Keywords: Chinese flowering cabbage, Semiconductor green laser, Ultraviolet spectrum, Chlorophyll, Vitamin C