摘 要:目前,蒙自地区的石榴种植面积已达7.9万亩,已成为全国石榴主产区之一,产量达6万吨。蒙自石榴不管在种植面积还是品质上都是处于全国领先的地位,但是蒙自石榴主要用于鲜食,深加工工艺还未形成。本文采用超声波辅助乙醇为提取剂从石榴皮中提取抗氧化物进行了研究。通过单因素实验对石榴皮粉末颗粒大小、乙醇浓度、料液比与超声提取时间对石榴皮提取物抗氧化性能的影响进行了研究,并通过正交实验及FRAP实验找到石榴皮乙醇提取物抗氧化性最优的一个条件:过5号筛(80目)、70%乙醇、超声时间为30min、料液比1:20时,其硫酸亚铁含量为140.79umol/L、总黄酮含量为2.461mg/g,总多酚含量为14.322mg/g。对猪油抗氧化性研究实验比较石榴皮干粉乙醇提取物与其他抗氧化剂(VC、VE)的抗氧化性差异得出1mg石榴皮乙醇提取物抗氧化活性相当于同等条件下0.93mg的维生素C或者相当于同等条件下0.85mg的维生素E。通过对石榴皮乙醇提取物抗氧化性能的研究,为蒙自石榴的综合开发利用提供有利的实验基础研究和基本理论支持。
ABSTRACT:At present, the planting area of Mongolian areas pomegranates has reached 7.9 million acres, has become one of the main production of pomegranates, six million tons. Mengzi pomegranate whether in the planting area or quality is our leading position in China, but mainly used for fresh food, Mongolian pomegranate processing technology is not formed. This paper ultrasonic extraction agents from auxiliary ethanol extract antioxidants pomegranate husk were studied. Through the single factor experiment on the pomegranate husk powder particle size, ethanol concentration, with liquid materials of ultrasonic extraction time than pomegranate husk extract the influence of antioxidant properties were studied by orthogonal experiment and and pomegranate husk FRAP experiment find ethanol extracts oxidation resistance optimal one condition: 5 screen (80 mesh), 70% ethanol, ultrasonic time than for 30min, liquid materials, its ferrous sulfate as content of 140.79 umol/L flavonoids content is 2.461 mg/g, total polyphenol content is 14.322 mg/g. To lard oxidation resistance research experimental comparison ethanol extracts pomegranate husk powder with other antioxidants (VC, VE) antioxidant sexual difference that pomegranate husk 1mg ethanol extracts antioxidant activity, under the same condition 0.93mg equivalent of mg in vitamin C or equivalent of mg, under the same condition 0.85mg vitamin E. Through ethanol extracts for the pomegranate husk antioxidant properties of research, to the comprehensive exploitation and utilization of Mongolian pomegranate provide favorable experimental basic research and basic theoretical support.
Key words: The pome granate; Antioxidant; Antioxidant experiment