摘 要:测定冰溶解热的实验持续时间短、温度变化快,通过水银温度计很难在较短时间内快速准确地完成多次测量。由此设计出一种测量冰溶解热的“数字实验”:利用自动温度采集系统测量出实验温度,通过用Visual Basic开发的实验系统软件对温度数据进行计算和散热修正,可以快速准确地完成实验,以及直观地显示出测量结果。
ABSTRACT:The experiment of measuring ice’s heat of solution always lasts for a short period and the temperature changes quickly. It is difficult to finish some measurements quickly and accurately in a short time with the Mercury thermometers. Considering these disadvantages, a " digital experiment " was designed to measures ice’s heat of solution.The collection system of automatic temperature was applied to measure the experiment temperature.And the experiment data was calculated by a software of experiment system which was developed with the Visual Basic software. Then we can finish the experiment quickly and accurately, and show the result of measurement directly.
Keywords: Heat of solution; Digital experiment; Temperature collection; Experiment software