摘要:本实验以三七、茯苓、黄连、重楼和木香为材料,通过不同的干法灰化条件对这五种中草药进行处理,然后用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定样品中微量元素Cr的含量。探究干法灰化温度、灰化时间对测定结果的影响,确定出这五种药材的最佳灰化温度、最佳灰化时间。结果表明:三七的最佳灰化条件是500 ℃、4h而茯苓、黄连、重楼和木香的最佳灰化条件是550 ℃、8h,石墨炉原子吸收光谱法能够准确、有效的测定三七等五种中草药中Cr的含量,方法简单、方便,五种中草药在各自的最佳灰化条件下,Cr的含量存在着差异,含量最高的是重楼,含量最低的是黄连,重楼中Cr的含量是黄连中Cr的含量的3倍,Cr含量的顺序为:重楼>三七>木香>茯苓>黄连。
ABSTRACT:This experiment has been done with pseudo-ginseng、poria cocos、goldthread、heavy floor and elecampane as material,and the samples was digested by different ashing conditions,then determined the content of chromium in the samples by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Research the effect of the determination results of chromium by changing ashing temperature and time, and measured the best ashing temperature and time. The results show that the best ashing conditions of pseudo-ginseng is 500 ℃and four hours, however the best ashing conditions of poria cocos、goldthread、heavy floor and elecampane is 550 ℃and eight hours. Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry can accurately, effective determine the content of chromium in pseudo-ginseng etc five Chinese herbals, and this method is simple and convenient. The content of chromium in these Chinese herbals in its own best ashing conditions is different. The content of chromium in heavy floor is the highest. The content of chromium in poria cocos is the lowest. The content of chromium in heavy floor is three times as much as the content of chromium in poria cocos. The order is as follows: heavy floor > pseudo-ginseng> elecampane> poria cocos > goldthread.
Keywords: Ashing conditions; Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry; medicinal herbs; Chromium