本论文采用配有FPD 检测器的气相色谱仪测定云黄连中甲胺磷农药残留量。通过对样品的前期处理条件进行了探讨得到提取净化的方法: 样品用乙酸乙酯提取,超声波提取20min,过硅胶柱净化, 同时用丙酮洗脱。结论:本方法对甲胺磷残留检测有一定的回收率,且方法重现性好,符合实际工作需要。
ABSTRACT:With the promotion of rhizoma coptidis USES TCM clouds and export trade further expand product pesticide residue problem becomes increasingly prominent. Design an effective pesticide residues determination method is very meaningful.
This paper adopts equipped with FPD detector gas chromatograph determination of rhizoma coptidis methamidophos pesticide residues cloud. Through the pretreatment of the sample was discussed, and the results show that: the sample used ethyl acetate extract, silica column purification, at the same time use the acetone elution and can effectively in recovery in determination experiment methamidophos pesticide residues coptis, and reproducibility is, recovery is good, accords with the actual working needs. For the application of Chinese trade and coptis provide a safe, effective and rapid methamidophos residue analysis.
Keywords: Coptis teeta, methamidophos residues, Ultrasonic extraction and Gas chromatography