摘 要:物理学是实验性学科,实验在物理学的研究中占有非常重要的地位。本文从国内、外大学物理实验教学现状的研究出发,主要对我校物理专业普通物理实验教学的现状进行调查,探讨现今教学模式和教学方式下普通物理实验教学中还存在的问题,初步提出解决问题的对策,以期对物理实验教学的改革有所贡献。
ABSTRACT: Physics is an experimental subject, and experiment plays a very important role in physics research. The present study is to start with the research review of physics experiment teaching home and abroad. Next then the author will survey on the present situation of average physics experiment teaching in Honghe University and probe into the problems of average physics experiment teaching that exist in the modern teaching modes and methods. Meanwhile, this research is expected to offer some suggestions to solve certain problems and make contribution to the teaching reform of physics experiment.
Key words: general physics experiment ;teaching ; teaching reform ;creativity ;concept