摘 要:本文首先是对水东哥属植物的研究进行简要的综述,内容包括:水东哥的种类、该物种的生物学特征、药用价值及其他用途;化学成分的研究情况。主要成分有:三萜类化合物,油脂,甾体皂苷、有机酸等;药理作用以及加工应用。然后是绿春水东哥乙醚萃取物的化学成分研究,应用硅胶柱层析、薄层色谱等方法对萃出物进行了初步的分离纯化工作,得到两个单体化合物。希望该研究可为开发利用红河州这一特有物种资源提供一定的参考价值。
ABSTRACT:This paper firstLy made a brief summary of the progress about the research of Saurauia Luchunensis. This part incLudes the types of Saurauia Luchunensis, the bioLogicaL characteristics, the drug vaLue of this species and other uses; Studies on the chemicaL constituents. Main components of Saurauia Luchunensis are: triterpenoids, aLkaLoid, steroid saponin, organic acid and so on; The second part of this paper is mainLy about its ChemicaL composition using coLumn chromatography for separation and identification of the statutory TCL. I made the preLiminary work on the extraction of materiaL obtain by separation and purification use the way of SiLica geL coLumn chromatography and TCL. And I got two monomeric chemicaL substances. The writer hope the thesis can give some reference to this pecuLiar species resources expLoitation of Honghe Prefecture.
Keywords: Saurauia; Saurauia Luchunensis; Ether richness; Extraction and separation; ChemicaL composition