摘要:采用火焰原子吸收分光光度法来测定日用陶瓷中铅、镉的溶出量以及浸泡时间长短对溶出量的影响。结果表明:Pb和Cd的检出限分别为0.5076 μg/mL和0.9328 μg/mL,回收率分别为104.13%和101.23%,精密度为2.27%和1.01%。该方法灵敏度准确、快速、检出限低,具有良好的精密度和准确度,适合用于实验室中微量铅、镉溶出量的测定。
Abstract:The contents of Pb and Cd in domestic ceramic was determined by flame atomic spectrometry. The result showed that the limits of detection of Pb and Cd were 0.5026 μg/mL and 0.0095 μg/mL respectively. The reccoveries were 104.13% (Pb) and 101.23% (Cd) and RSDs were 2.27%(Pb) and 1.01%(Cd),respectively. The method was sensitive, accurate,rapid and low actection limits, and suitable for trace Pb and Cd examination in laboratory.
Key words: flame atomic absorption spectrometry; domestic ceramic; Lead; Cadmium