摘要: 本文在介绍了MATLAB 、Simulink和虚拟现实的基础上,通过对双铰链摆的理论分析,再利用Simulink和虚拟现实工具箱,展示了MATLAB 在虚拟现实技术中的应用, 及在Simulink 和V-realm Builder中创建和处理三维双铰链摆模型的过程。
关键词: Matlab; 虚拟现实; Simulink; 双铰链摆
Abstract: In this paper, according to the theoretical analysis of dual-hinge pendulum,by using Simulink and virtual reality toolbox in Matlab, shows the application of Matlab in virtual reality technology and the process of creating and dealing with three-dimension dual-hinge pendulum model in Simulink and V-realm Builder, based on the brief introduction of Matlab, Simulink and virtual reality.
Key words: Matlab;Virtual Reality; Simulink;Dual-hinge pendulum