摘要:本文首先介绍嵌入式系统的简介以及嵌入式系统在当今社会的应用领域,接着简单介绍了Linux以及Linux的特点,然后介绍了S3C2440的系统结构以及ARM9开发板的一些知识,之后介绍了LCD显示屏的种类以及TFT LCD液晶显示屏的显示原理和驱动原理,接着介绍了GPRS模组的相关知识,GPRS的应用以及工作原理,同时列举了SIM300的一些常用的AT指令集。然后开始搭建PC机Linux开发环境,之后进行开发板环境搭建,再接着就是开始编写项目程序并且进行编译,紧接着对部分程序进行了分析,最后列出项目实现的效果。
关键词: Linux; S3C2440; GPRS模组; TFT LCD; AT指令
Abstract:This paper first introduces embedded system profiles as well as embedded systems applications in today’s society, followed by a brief introduction to the characteristics of Linux , and Linux, and then describes some of the knowledge of the system structure of the S3C2440 and ARM9 development board, LCD display as well as the type of TFT LCD display principle and driving principle, then the knowledge of the GPRS module GPRS applications and works, citing some common SIM300 AT Command Set. Then began to build a PC Linux development environment, followed by the development board environment to build, And then it began the preparation of project procedures and compile followed on the part of the program, listed at the end of the project to achieve the effect.
Key word: Linux; S3C2440; GPRS; TFT LCD; AT instruction module