关键字:PHP; MYSQL; Apache; 数据库;动态网页
Abstract:With the swift development of the internet,the internet become important channel that the people can gain, issue and transmit message rapidly .In the politic, the economy, the life and so on aspect, it is playing the vital role . Therefore, the website construction is obvious in the internet, it becomes important component,thus people are keeping a watchful eye on it.
Nowadays, people already could not leave the network, it has become one form which between the human and the exchanges. The network can transfer complication to simplification, and get rid of the time and space’ limit. The website has provided a network life space for the consumer,we can demonstrate the enterprise instruction, educational administration system’s entrance, the product introduction, the message and so on. The consumer carries on each kind of information communication quickly by the message center, may also applies alliance on line directly.
Keyword:PHP ; MYSQL ; Apache; Database ;Dynamic homepage