摘要 在初中数学新课程改革过程中,数学学困生已经成为阻碍课堂教学效率提高的一个重要因素,转化数学学困生已成为每位初中数学教师必须高度重视的问题。本文通过对班级数学学困生进行调查与研究,找出形成数学学困生原因,并且找到一些解决问题措施,例如激发学困生对数学的兴趣,帮助学困生树立信心,对学困生进行个别辅导等。对他们采取相应可行性的措施帮助他们战胜困难,重拾数学学习的信心。但是转化学困生是一个长期而艰巨的任务,需要老师对其付出真心与爱,更需要老师和学生至始至终都保持耐心和信心。
关键词 数学学困生; 转化; 成因; 对策
Abstract In the junior middle school mathematics new course reform, the mathematics classroom teaching efficiency has become an important factor, transforming Mathematics Backward Students has become each junior middle school mathematics teachers must pay attention to the problem. This article through to the class of mathematical poor students to investigate and research, find out the formation of Mathematics Backward Students, and find some problem solving measures, for example, to stimulate students interest in mathematics, to help the students to establish confidence, to Mathematics Backward Students in individual counseling. They take the corresponding feasibility measures to help them overcome difficulties, to regain the confidence of learning mathematics. But the transformation of Mathematics Backward Students is a long-term and arduous task, need the teacher to pay a sincere and loving, need the teacher and student all along keep patience and confidence.
Keywords Mathematics Backward Students ; Transformation; Causes ; Countermeasures