摘 要:学生从初中迈入高中大门时,他们生理心理变化不大,进一步学习时感到有阻力。笔者对初高中物理教材做了分析对比。本文第一部分从教育学原理出发,对知识结构理论进行了探讨,分析了物理知识的结构和认知结构的关系,为后续的对比分析提供理论依据。第二部分对初中物理内容的知识结构、教材的逻辑结构进行了分析。第三部分对高中物理课程内容进行分析,分别从涉及到的知识点和内容的逻辑结构两个方面进行分析。第四部分初中物理内容与高中物理内容的对比分析,分别从力、热、声、光、电五个方面提出需要修改和完善的意见。第五部分进行了思考与总结,提出在教学实践中需要注意的相关问题
Abstract:The first part from the educational principle, theory of knowledge structure were discussed and analyzed the physical knowledge of the relationship between structure and cognitive structure for the follow-up to provide a theoretical basis for comparative analysis. The second part of the junior high school science curriculum content, knowledge of the physical structure of the logical structure of materials analyzed. The third part of the analysis of high school physics course, were related to the knowledge from the point of logical structure and content analysis of two aspects. The fourth part of the junior high school physical science physics content and comparative analysis of the contents of, respectively, from power, heat, sound, light, electricity and five to the need to modify and improve views. The fifth part of the thinking and summarized, in the teaching practice issues that need attention.
Key words: physical education; teaching convergence; Cognitive Psychology; non-intellectual factors; school physics