本文通过讲述公司法法人人格否认的意义,国内外关于此制度的规定,比较两者的不同规定 ,进一步指出公司法人人格否认制度在我国适用的的重要性和必要性,并且针对该制度在实践期间涌现的不足之处,借鉴外国的经验,结合中国国情,对公司法人人格否认制度提出若干意见。
Abstract:China in the 2005 Companies Act revised the occasion of the official disregard of corporate personality system into the system of our country to develop. Disregard of Corporate Personality System is undoubtedly a double-edged sword for China has not yet improved the company law system, the system provides a clear legal basis for the solution of the large number of disputes in real life, but many shareholders in the applicable process but China is not very sound legal system, legal to circumvent damage the public interest., relying solely on the existing legal system in China is difficult to solve this from happening.Legal personality not only provides the opportunity for shareholder abuse of corporate personality has become a tool to avoid tort liability, and even become a blackmailer means of, the shareholders direct control of the assets of the company, and abuse of control of the company, against the interests of creditors and the publicagainst those who actually suffer no real remedy this unfair to the creditors of the company.
About the meaning of the Companies Act denied legal personality, the provisions of this system at home and abroad, to compare the different provisions, further pointed out that the disregard of corporate personality system in our country applicable to the importance and necessity, and for the system in practice during the emergence of the inadequacies of overseas experience, combined with China's national conditions, the system of disregard of corporate personality.
Key words: disregard of corporate personaility; legislative defect; System improvement