Abstract:The essence of keeping silence belongs to human rights.the right of keeping silence can be explained as that every citizen has the dignity,free will and the right to free speech.Only by establishing the right of keeping silence,the right of suspects or the defendants'can be further enhanced.The right system is incompelete without the right of keeping silence.From another angle,the right of keep silence can be used to reflect the value of criminal lawsuit , to enrich the function of criminal lawsuit and to perfect the evidence rules of criminal lawsuit .China is in favour of silence in dealing with international criminal judicial activities but denies silence in domestic judicial activities,this is called self-controdictory.Our country should speed up the construction of system of silence so as to perfect the construction of our country's modern legal system and to reflect our country's socialism lawsuit spirit.In this paper,the author will talk about her own point of view of the establishment of the right of keeping silence on the basis of the following aspects:the legal value of the right of keeping silence;the rational feasibility of the right of keeping silence;how to establish the right system of keeping silence with Chinese characteristic.
Key words:Safeguard human rights ;Legal Value ;Criminal procedure