Abstract:In 2001, the Law of Marriage explicitly points out the basic principle that the husband and wife should be faithful to each other. “The duty of loyalty by husband and wife” was put into the new marriage law as an advocate provision, which reflects the consensus of the mainstream of public opinion and the legal community. However, in practical point of view, it is not operational. It does not have not specific legal rules nor does it determine the couple’s duty of loyalty on the personal and property relations. And it has no systems of damages for breaching the duty of loyalty, resulting in vain. The author explores the existing provisions to improve relevant legal requirements, and gives recommendations to improve the system of couples’ duty of loyalty in China, from the connotation of the matrimonial duty of loyalty, the modes of breaching the duty of loyalty, the obstacle in the practice, and the legislative experience in foreign countries.
Key words:the couple’s duty of loyalty;the Law of Marriage; the right of spouse;compensation for damages