摘要: 在信息时代,随着计算机的广泛使用和互联网业务在世界范内的普及,通过互联网对个人数据的搜集使用也由此达到了前所未有的程度,个人隐私权的法律保护也变得比以往更加困难,网络隐私权被不断的攻击对于信息网络业的发展和个人隐私权的保护带来了巨大的威胁和挑战。 而我国现行法律未把隐私权作为一项独立的民事权利加以规定,司法实践中对传统隐私权采取间接保护方式,把其纳入名誉权的保护范畴,这种保护方式对公民个人隐私的保护明显不利。我国电子信息产业起步较晚,隐私权保护的法律基础和社会环境较为薄弱,如何对网络环境下的隐私侵权行为进行恰当的法律规制,以便更好地促进我国电子网络产业的正常发展,成为我国迫切需要解决的一个法律问题。这要求我们借鉴国外的先进的立法、司法经验构建符合中国国情的网络隐私权保护制度。
Abstract:In the information times, with the wide use of computer and Internet business in the world fan popularity, through the Internet for personal data collection using this reached a hitherto unknown degree, the individual right of privacy the legal protection has become more difficult than in the past, the network right of privacy is being attacked for information industry development and personal privacy the protection of the right to bring a huge threat and challenge. China's current law does not have the right of privacy is an independent civil right to be provided, the judicial practice of the traditional right to privacy protection act indirectly, into the protection of reputation right category, the protection of citizen privacy protection evident adverse. China's electronic information industry started relatively late, privacy protection and the legal basis for the social environment is relatively weak, how under the environment of network privacy tort conduct proper legal regulation, so as to better promote China's electronic network industry the normal development, has become China's urgent need to solve the problem of a law. This requires us to draw lessons from foreign advanced legislative, judicial experience to construct conforms to the Chinese national condition the network right of privacy protection system.
Key words: privacy;rotection;System construction