Abstract:Punitive damages in common law common law in a compensation relief measures, China in the consumer protection law in the introduction of the system, food safety law has expanded the punishment, but the two law has many not, in reality does not produce the desired effect. According to the two law on punitive damages in different legislative attitude analysis, and to the United States of America punitive compensation system in the judicial practice in the use of the effects of the inspection, according to the current legislation of our country is insufficient, put forward to perfect the reasonable suggestions of punitive damages in china.
Key words: The punitive compensation;scope of application;calculation method; factors to consider
惩罚性赔偿制度在我国是一项比较新颖的制度,也是一项不完善和具有争议的法律制度。争论的问题主要有:首先,惩罚性赔偿的条款是否能够真正起到惩罚不法行为人。支持者认为:相比传统的赔偿制度,惩罚性赔偿制度的赔偿金额较大,能够惩罚不法行为人。反对者则认为:由于消费者的消费能力有限,产品的价格一般较低。因此不法行为人给予消费者的赔偿与其获得的巨大的利益相比太少,所以从这个方面说我国现行的立法并不能达到惩罚不法经营者的目的。其次,较大的惩罚性赔偿金是否可能导致更多经营者破产影响我国经济的发展。如果有影响,如何通过法律的 完善来改变?惩罚赔偿金判决后因为被告的经济因素而不能得到执行怎么办?如何在司法的过程中完善?这些问题的研究,对于我国惩罚性赔偿制度的存在和完善具有重要的意义,也是本文研究的主要意义所在。