Abstract:Multinational taxpayer main use the transfer pricing, international tax avoidance, international tax agreement and abuse and weakening of capital way international tax avoidance. International tax avoidance behavior because its means appearance is not illegality, thus in the international economic and trade activities have become increasingly rampant, to the state revenues brought serious damage, the impact of national economic development. How to prevent the international tax avoidance and better protect our financial tax, stabilize the market order, and perfect our country in international tax avoidance system rules become the important content of the reform of the tax law in our country. This article through to our country's existing tax system and the law of the analysis and reference in other countries in the aspect of tax avoidance of the achievements in the foundation, the union of the truth in our country, from our country the tax avoidance tax system, and the capital to weakening tax system, and the transfer pricing tax system and the abuse of taxation agreements to perfect our existing tax system are proposed.
Key words:International tax avoidance;Anti tax avoidance;The capital weakening;Prevention of transfer pricing;The abuse of tax treaties