Abstract:Acquisitive prescription and limitation of actions together constitute a complete system of limitation system, acquisitive prescription system is of great practical value and social significance, as an integral part of the full aging regime, the acquisitive prescription system for the vast majority of national civil law inherited. In our case, in addition to the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft) "flash in the pan, it is only a theoretical level areas. In this paper, the relevant foreign law, and the actual situation in China and introduced to our country made the aging system and the system design aspects of proposed measures to improve, in order to improve China achieved the prescription system is built to make modest.
Key words: Acquisitive prescription; Value system; System construction
一项制度的优劣,时间是最好的证明,从罗马法创设取得时效到今时今日世界各国民法 典或单行法都有所确定,因此,取得时效制度的存在有其自身的合理价值。而且我国现行市场经济环境也说明了此项制度建立之必要趋势。至于如何依据我国现状建立,取得时效制度足一个复杂的制度,有其法定的构成要件、严格的适用范围。特定的法律后果以及中止、中断问题,我国应逐渐深入探索以及不断完善相关之立法,建立起内容细化完备、顺应世界立法潮流、符合我国国情的取得时效制度。