摘要:人民调解制度是我国一项具有中国特色的民间纠纷解决法律制度,人民调解是依靠人民群众的力量实行自我教育,自我管理,自我服务解决民间纠纷的一项自治活动,同时具有灵活性与便利性的特点。人民调解制度作为中国特色的社会矛盾解决机制,具有悠久的历史。人民调解制度在新时期维护社会稳定,化解各类纠纷,促进和谐社会的发展具有重要意义,符合中华民族几千年来“无讼” “厌讼”的追求。《人民调解法》的颁布与实施使得该制度更加备受关注,由于我国正在处于较快的社会转型期,该制度在实践中的不足以及现行法律规定的不适应也较为突出。本论文通过研究我国人民调解制度的现状以及存在的问题,并且提出人民调解制度完善的建议,以促进我国人民调解制度的发展与完善。
Abstract:People's mediation system is a legal system of our country that has Chinese characteristic in solving nongovemmental dispute. People's mediation is to rely on the strength of the people to exercise self-education, self-management, self-service activities of a self-resolve civil disputes, but also has the flexibility and convenience features. As the social settlement mechanism with Chinese characteristics, people's mediation system has a long history. In the new era, it has important significant in maintaining social stability、resolving various disputes and promoting harmonious development of society which meeting the requirements of no lawsuit and detesting lawsuit. The promulgation and implementation of the 《People’s Mediation law》to make the system more concern. As China in a rapid period of social transformation, the system deficiencies in practice and not meet the existing legal provisions are also more prominent. In this thesis, the status quo of China's people's mediation system and the problems,and made the people's mediation system needs improvement recommendations.In the new legislative background, To study the system's basic theory,gap and correspond countermeasures, and help to promote the development and improvement of China's people's mediation system.
Key words: people's mediation system;《People's Mediation Law》;Mediation agreement