【摘要】 羁押场所内发生的离奇死亡事件挑战了民众的想象力,人们对羁押场所非正常死亡死因鉴定制度充满了不信任。笔者通过资料的检索发现在我国羁押场所现行的死因鉴定无法保证其公正性。通过对外国死因鉴定相关制度的研究,笔者认为确保鉴定的公正性要从鉴定机构的中立性和鉴定结论的科学性着手。笔者就结合我国国情和外国制度提出了一些完善的羁押场所非正常死亡死因鉴定制度的建议,希望对该制度的完善略尽绵薄之力。
【关键词】 羁押场所 非正常死亡 死因鉴定制度
【Abstract】The unnatural deaths which are taken place in custody places are challenging the pubic imagination, people fill with distrust to the system of identification on causes of death. I think the system of identification on causes of unnatural death in custody places can’t assure it’s justice. I think in order to make the justice of the conclusion we should make the appraisal organization keep neutral and the appraisal conclusion keep scientific. I take some suggestions to improve the system of identification on causes of unnatural death in custody places. I hope my suggestions can play a role to improve the system.
【Key words】Custody Places ;Unnatural Death ;the System of Identification on Causes of Death