【关键词】电子提单 纸面提单 流通性
【Abstract】With the development of electronic commerce, electronic bill of lading in the field of international transport of goods has been more important . In China, there are no specific legal provisions for relevant content about electronic bills of lading. Therefore, I will use the comparison and empirical methods, analyze and research the issues related to electronic bills of lading. Article will analyze the electronic bill of lading from three parts. The first part focuses on the implementation issues of the function of electronic bills of lading, currency issues, and pledged the problem, to analyze the circulation mechanism by comparison with the traditional paper bill of lading. The second part is to discuss the legal issues of the electronic bill of lading, including writing requirements, signature requirements, the original requirements, and the relevant legal issues of electronic bill of lading as evidence, and propose the thinking way to resolve about these questions. The third part is to analyze the relevant provisions of the electronic bill of lading form "the rules of Rotterdam", its legislative purpose, analyzing its inherent principles and spirit of the legislation and provide some recommendations for our electronic bill of lading.
【Key Words】Electronic Bill of Lading; Paper Bills of Lading; Negotiability