【关键词】上市公司 信息披露 原因 对策
【Abstract】The Information disclosure system of listed companies was widely used in a securities and financial markets in countries. It is a system of public disclosure intended to protect the interests of investors and the stable market. Its development is closely related to the development of securities and financial markets, People are always change and improvement it when the securities and financial markets advances, With a view to it can adapt to the development of the market. Because the Chinese information disclosure system from the establishment to the present less than two years, although it is established in reference to the Western advanced information disclosure regime, but in the practical application of this system there are still many deficiencies and problems. From the establishment and improvement of information disclosure system in China as the starting point, by reference and study domestic and foreign scholars' view, Proposed inheritance, to add and modify the Chinese system of information disclosure of listed companies. And from the theory, practice, legislative tendency ,etc to support the idea. Try to provide some ideas for the modification of information disclosure of listed companies in china.
【Key words】Listed Companies Information Disclosure Reason Countermeasure