【关键词】文字商标 相似性 认定标准
【Abstract】In the information society, the importance of trademarks as part of intangible assets,a country's overall competitiveness as a special reflection of its value more and more attention, but at the same time, more and more trademark infringement disputes. In trademark infringement, trademark similarity has been a judicial practice identified In particular the identification of similar word mark and does not apply to all cases of a unified approach, in judicial practice to combine the different specific cases to choose the appropriate method should recognize the word mark similar expressions refer to the similarity of the word mark Identified requirements, etc. to be determined.This article focuses on the similarity of the word mark and identify the standards requirements, combined with advanced foreign experience, the perfection of the word mark similar to provide some suggestions for judging.
【Key Words】Word mark Smilarity Rerognized standard