【关键词】劳务派遣 临时性、辅助性、替代性工作岗位
【Abstract】To define the temporary, auxiliary and substitute jobs in labour dispatch is an important element for the labour laws home and abroad, and it is also a long-standing task throughout the development and completion of the labour contract law of China. Article 66 of the Labour Contract Law of PRC reads: “The placement of employees shall generally be practiced for temporary, auxiliary or substitute jobs.” However, there was no exact definition of what temporary, auxiliary, or substitute jobs are. This paper intends to begin with the analyses of the developmental background of labour dispatch in China and the economic basis and legal principle of defining the three different jobs, and then carries on with the reference to and study on the relevant laws and regulations home and abroad, Proposed temporary, auxiliary, alternative work is defined as: two years, with a chance to provide job opportunities; different from the main business unit of labor; a certain professionalism.
【Key words】Dispatch temporary, auxiliary, alternative work