关键词:腾讯QQ 奇虎360 网络服务市场 不正当竞争 垄断
Abstract: Through the research on the war between Qihoo360 and Tencent QQ, we found Qihoo360 alleged commercial vilified behavior and Tencent QQ alleged abuse of dominant market position on the analysis of unfair competition and monopoly and the illegal matters of the bilateral beneficial war. Moreover, we realized the unrest and confusion situation of China's Internet market and the ignorant and damaging attitude of the network enterprises toward the netizens. Thereby, arousing our reflection of the perfect of the legislation and the law enforcement, strengthen the supervision. Meanwhile, give advice and guidance to the establishment and perfection of the relevant legal system, the strengthening of the law enforcement and effective guidance, the completeness of the precautions, the supervision and post processing under the premise of scientific and reasonable, the cultivation of the virtuous sense of market competition.
Key words: QQ; Qihoo 360; internet service market;unfair competition; monopoly