关键词:搜索引擎 搜索引擎服务提供者 直接侵权 间接侵权
Abstract: The search engine is creating conveniences for people. At the same time, as relevant legislations lag behind network technology, there arises increased a number of disputes. When a copyright infringement arises, its property must be distinguished. Direct infringement does not require a subjective element, and it seldom happens. Most of the infringements caused by search engine service provider is indirect, and search engine service providers of indirect infringement for multiple violations indirect infringement requires "knowingly" or "should know" the subjective element, or they may be exempt from liability for the “safe harbor principle”. However, if the infringement is so obvious that every rational person can be attention, the search engine service provider cannot be exempt from liability. The identification of the responsibility of the search engine service provider means a lot to the protection of advantage of both copyright holder and the search engine service provider, and consummates the development of the system of copyright protection.
Key words: Search engine, Search engine service provider, Direct infringement, Indirect infringement