Abstract:Robbery and kidnapping are two of a serious nature, destructive to persons and property, the larger crime, both quite similar in complex situations more easily confused for a long time about the limits of robbery and kidnapping issue is not only plagued by the difficult Judicial practice, has become a hot academic debate and controversy. I believe that the distinction between the two crimes to be correct, not only in the case of the existence of "three sides of relations, " whether the "spot"and the purpose of criminal offenders, etc., but also from the difference between the Crime of the second to go into account , as long as the constituent elements of this crime and he is the difference between the true crime.
Key words:Kidnapping; robbery; relationship on three sides; Difference; contact;define
抢劫罪与绑架罪是两个较为常见的严重侵犯财产权利、人身权利的多发性犯罪,两者在多方面存在着区别,但也有很多相似之处:在客观上两者都可以表现为暴力 胁迫等强制手段;在主观上两者都是取得财物为目的;在侵犯的合法权益方面两者都同时侵犯了公民的人身权利和财产权利。虽然二者侵犯的客体都是复杂客体,但由于两者侵犯的主要客体不同,绑架罪主要客体是人身权利,我国刑法典把抢劫罪与绑架罪分别规定在侵犯财产罪一章和侵犯公民人身自由罪一章。两罪在犯罪的主观方面、客观方面和犯罪的客体等方面的诸多相似,再加之社会现实和犯罪人行为方式的复杂性,致使以勒索财物为目的的绑架罪和抢劫罪在很多时候混淆在一起,让人难以区分,长期以来这类问题一直困扰着司法实务界,也是理论界争议与讨论的热点,可谓是百花齐放。本文将从案例入笔,并结合各家学者的理论对各案例进行研究与分析并提出自己的观点,以求明确两罪的界限。