摘要:票据作为一种信用或支付工具,其根本特征为通过票据多次转让,从而使得票据在多个票据当事人之间流通。所以保障票据流通的安全性就成了票据法首要的目标。但与此同时,我们又绝对不能忽视票据流通的公平性,于是票据流通的安全性与公平性就成了整个票据法所追求的核心价值。票据抗辩权的适用正是为了实现票据这两个核心价值的。本文将对票据抗辩的内涵、法律价值、分类、适用现状、适用与限制这些重要问题予以分析研讨,并提出笔者自己的法律建议,其主要为:减少否定抗辩,创设削减抗辩;确认票据代理中的追认权,否定表见代理;取消《票据法》第10条第2款规定的对价抗辩权; 修改《票据法》第13条的规定。对于票据抗辩,只有深刻地理解它的内涵和本质,才能更好地保护票据当事人,平衡票据当事人之间的关系,真正地发挥票据流通的功能。对票据抗辩相关问题进行不断的研究和探索,对于完善我国的票据法律制度,促进市场经济的发展必将产生重大的理论和实践意义。
关键词:票据抗辩 票据流通性 票据安全性 票据适用 票据限制
Abstract:As a kind of instrument of credit or payment, negotiable instruments are basically featured by the frequent negotiation and then circulation among several parties. Therefore, it is the priority of Negotiable Instruments Law to ensure the circulation of negotiable instruments. Meanwhile, we can not overlook the importance of safety of negotiable instruments. As a result, the circulation and safety become the core legal value pursued by the whole Negotiable Instruments Law while demurrer of negotiable instruments applies to realize the core value. This paper discusses the key problems concerning the content, value of law, classification, status quo of appliance, appliance and restriction of demurrer of negotiable instruments. The author's advice on the law is also given in the paper. Reduce the rule of negative demurrer and establish the rule of weakened demurrer; Affirm the ratifieation of negotiable instruments agency and disaffirm apparent agency; Cancel the consideration protest of China Negotiable Instruments Law Article 10,paragraph 2; Revise the rule of China Negotiable Instruments Law Article 13. For the demurrer of negotiable instruments,only a deeper understanding of the meaning and essence of it can offer better protection for two parties,and balance between the parties in order to truly play the role of negotiable instruments in circulation.The demurrer of negotiable instruments issues of related to the constant study and exploration can perfecting the negotiable instruments legal system,promote the development of the market economy,is bound to have a great theoretical and practical significance.