关键词:权利形态 应有权利 法定权利 现实权利
Abstract:Soft law is through equal participation of the main body, through the consultative process to develop and implement a written sexual common security standard, is produced in the private domain and point to the typical sense of the public sphere of the law. Rule of Law through the soft view of life can be found, the owner is such a convention with the autonomy of grassroots autonomous organizations, the nature of soft law norms. In theory, the owners of the Convention is essentially a socio-economic development of the law the right to request a specific reflection of the content that has local knowledge and the spontaneous order of the basic properties, has formally adopted Procedure. In practice, it has been many western countries and Taiwan of China adopted by the legislation. The face of reality, the main residential district of the relevant dislocation, imperfect sense of status of the owners of the district led to the obvious contradiction, governance difficult dilemma, as the owners of soft law compliance by minimizing the intervention of the Convention and the most suitable specifications, to For the residential property owners to provide more opportunities to create quality of life and conditions, has excellent community management functions, and conducive to social pregnant give birth to democracy and autonomy of the modern rule of law.
Key words: Right form the right we should have Legal right Real right