内容摘要:亲子鉴定, 是指用医学、生物学以及遗传学等科学的原理和技术来鉴定有争议的父母与子女间是否存在着亲生血缘关系。亲子鉴定明确了父母与子女的亲缘关系,但是也会给子女的权利造成伤害。本文旨在从现有法律比较研究,探讨亲子鉴定中未成年子女的保护。
关键词:亲子鉴定 、未成年人、 权益保护 、法律规范
Abstract:Paternity testing, refers to medicine, biology and genetics and other scientific principles and techniques to identify whether the par and children have kinship. Paternity clear genetic relationship between parents and children, but also cause harm to their children. The purpose of this paper is to protect minor childrens by studying in law。
Keywords:paternity 、 minor 、rights protection 、 law