关键词:反对强迫自证其罪 沉默权 人身权利 犯罪控制
Abstract: Principle against forced self-incrimination in criminal proceedings is not only an important right of individuals, but also a generally recognized international conventions of human rights principles. United Nations "on Civil and Political Rights" explicitly oppose the principle of compulsory self-incrimination, as citizens of a basic human rights protection, China has signed the Convention and wait for approval. As the time of ratification of the Convention draws near, the legislation explicitly opposed the principle of compulsory self-incrimination is inevitable. But in China's current domestic law to implement the principle established there are still difficulties, lack of corresponding system to protect the implementation of the principle. Therefore, the establishment of proper system of protection has become associated in the establishment of the principle of work to be done first, and the implementation of the principle problems encountered by specific procedures should also be addressed.
Key words:the privilege against self-incrimination,right to silence,personal rights, crime control