【关键词】:商誉 商誉权 法律保护
Abstract: In modern economic life, the role of goodwill is increasing critical, It’s high time for protecting the goodwill right .In this article author will analysis the concept and feature of goodwill .The commercial right of personality is a new concept that has not been found in Laws and legal textbooks which is the mixture of property right and personality right .goodwill is different from intellectual property.This article consists of four part ,the first part is about the basic concept of goodwill and goodwill right ,this part is the basement of the whole essay .the second part contrast the common law and civil law to describe the legal institution .the next part is to discuss the problems of Chinese legal system , the last part is to give some advices to the goodwill right protecting and analysis the key component of tort deed of goodwill right.
Key words: goodwill legal protection