关键词: 转化型抢劫 承继的共同正犯 罪名的确定 刑事责任
Abstract: Transformation Robbery as a legal fiction of robbery. When talk about successive accomplice perpetrators within Transformation Robbery, there will be many kinds of it for discussing. And its construction will be very complicated and varied. Because the independent parts of behaviours have their own menschliche Lebens-Interessen and crime aspects of composition ,and the separable quality of the actions of Transformation Robbery, it boast its extraordinary/distinguishing characteristic. In this paper, taking the successive accomplice perpetrators as an entry point, I want to study the scope of liability of the second doer within Transformation Robbery. Firstly, the second doer shouldn’t take any responsibility of the former action and result, when the first action as been finished before second doer take part in. Secondly, we take it for granted that the second doer could be committed to be successive accomplice perpetrator of transformation robbery and should take responsibility of the whole crime, if the effect of first action is continuing when the second doer participate in. At last, if the second doer take a side effect on the crime, we could commit he/she to be successive accomplice perpetrator。
Key words: transformation robbery successive accomplice perpetrator takes responsibility of criminal liability