关键词:妇女 婚姻地位 变化 原因
Abstract: Marital status of women in ancient China are relatively backward, compared to modern times, no matter from the aspects of the establishment and removal of marriage, or from the aspects of division of property and inheritance. Under the influence of various factors, with the development of society, marital status of women in ancient times showed different changes. Xia Shang Zhou, the period of Spring and Autumn and warring states, the late Western Han Dynasty to the Eastern Han Dynasty, and Song Ming Qing period, women's marital status is relatively low, because of economic, ideological and other reasons; and from pre-Qin to the early Han dynasty , Sui and Tang dynasties, and the Yuan Dynasty, because of those policies and cultural factors, women's marital status have increased. From the different requirements of each dynasty in women's marital status changes summed up the general reasons, related to improving the status of women in marriage system has practical significance.
Key words : women marital status change reason