关键词:消费者界定 社会目的 立法体例
Abstract :The production of consumer question comes with the establishment of its main body status inevitably. Here the consumer itself doesn’t refer to the natural significance or in biology , but stay on the contrary position with producer and the distributor In economic domain . The consumer protection movement has enabled the consumer question to become the worldwide question. Complying with the social economy development, our country has formulated "Consumer Rights and interests Protection method" in 1993. After releasing, "Consumer Rights and interests Protection method" has caused a huge social echo. The phenomenon named Wang Hai has initiated discussion about the consumer status. From the perspective of the consumer law ’social purpose,life expense should not be taked for the important document of consumer’s definition.Judging from legislative style ,consumer refers to some nutual being distinguished in operators.Thus draws the conclusion: The consumer is some nutual baing who purchase,use consumable which the operator provides or accepts services from the operator.
Key words: consumer definition social purpose legislative style