关键词:转售价格维持 法律规制 本身违法原则 合理原则 反垄断法
【Abstract】Resale price maintenance is mainly refers to operators and trading counterpart a just reached the prices of goods for resale restrictions agreements, this price often occur in the same industry agreement between the different levels of operators, mainly is the upstream operator requirements in accordance with their downstream enterprises set price sale merchandise. Such as producers and wholesalers, wholesalers and retailers, through the control between resale price to reduce or avoid the competition to acquire the profit maximization and even profiteering. This behavior has been as restrict competition offence, get legal harshly, still the strict laws is the object, but not simply blow, but carries on the management standards, not only see the illegality, attaching more importance to the analysis of its legitimacy.
The United States maintained for resale prices with legal regulation for the illegal principle and reasonable principle itself, the European Union is applicable illegal principles and responsibility in itself the exception exemption rules to regulate this behaviour. About resale price keeps legal regulation for the present situation, our country in this aspect, the theoretical study insufficient legal norms is also simple fuzzy; Therefore, reference learn their advanced theory and rich experience, to perfect our country about resale price maintenance of the legal regulations is very important.
【keywords】Resale price maintenance legal regulation itself illegal principle reasonable principle the antimonopoly law