关键词:证券投资基金 基金份额持有人大会 基金份额持有人
英文摘要:The fund share holders' meeting system of the securities investment fund is a decision-making and oversight setup which enables the right of fund share holders to express their willings and the implementation of fund share holders to supervise the operating and managing status of the fund , which means significantly to protect the share holders’ profit . But this system still has a lot of problems : such as the setting of quorum、convenning power leads to the difficulty of the meeting’s openning ; the setting of the peoposal rights and voting rights leads to the inferior position of the share holders ; the lack of the legal remedy leads to the insufficient protection of the share holders’ benefit ; the lack of differentiation of the types of meeting and the choosing right of trustee leads to serious bugs of this system . After study , this essay finds out that via reducing the quorum requirement 、enduing share holders the rights of convening and proposing parallel to the fund manager、Setting up the voting rights proxy mechanism 、 impelementing of the resolutions of the meeting 、 differentiating differrent types of the meeting 、 establishing a permanent insitution 、 letting share holders choosing the trustee of the fund , and so on , they shall make corresponding improvement of the fund share holders' meeting system of the securities investment fund ,thus perfecting the mechanism of protecting share holders’ benefit .