关键词:物权变动 登记 对抗 善意第三人
Abstract:According to the effectiveness of the publication, while the Real Right Law in china mainly adheres to the creation mode of publication, it also adopts the rule of the defensible mode of publication as for real right alteration on account of legal act. Namely, as soon as the agreement reached between the parties, the real right alters, but it couldn’t confront the goodwill third party without registration. As for the third party, limitative theory should be adopted. The goodwill third party who cannot be confronted when the real right is not registered should be defined in following way. He is the person whose real right of the same subject matter conflicts with another parties. What’s more, he conducts a public notice of his right. General creditors, civil -law -breaker ,people who has no right to posses the subject matter and people who has no essential right don't belong to the goodwill third party.Even the real right is not registered,it also can confront these people. Lienee,mortgagee who registers before,people whose leasehold is earlier than other people's real right,earlier pawnee and the assignee of floating mortage asserts can confront the parties even if they haven't register their real rights because of the special stipulations of the Real Right Law.As a result, these people are also not included of the goodwill third party.
Key word: alteration of real right ,registration,confrontation,the goodwill third party