关键词: 集体土地;土地使用权;流转制度;制度完善
Abstract:China's land resources are scarce natural resources,but with the recent rapid development of the domestic economy,the acceleration of urbanization, land management issues are more prominent.Among them,land transfer is a prominent issue of economic development and it is the core of the rural economic system.Improve the system of transfer of rural collective land in China can do a great practical significanceon on China's future economic development,land market trading rules,achieving optimal allocation of land resources.This paper will first analyze China's rural collective land transfer system and then analysis the non-standard and the limited transfer problems,combined with foreign practice,promote the transfer market of rural collective land in China,relax the circulation mode restrictions and strengthen the management registration system and other related recommendations.
Key words: collective land;land-use right;land transfer system;improve the system