摘要:随着资本市场的发展,社会各界对上市公司的信息披露提出了更高的要求,上市公司仅仅进行强制性信息的披露已经不能满足投资者多样化的信息需求。对于上市公司来说,自愿性信息披露是一把“双刃剑”。 一方面,信息披露可以减少投资者之间的信息非对称程度,提高股票的市场流动性,从而降低资本成本,提高公司价值。另一方面,信息披露可能造成“泄密”,公司的竞争对手可能得益于此,从而削弱公司的竞争力。所以,信息披露质量影响因素是什么,直接影响到公司信息要披露的内容。本文分析了我国目前自愿性披露的现状,就主要针对信息披露受哪些因素影响及披露怎样的信息才能使信息披露者与信息使用者都得到共赢的情况,进行更深入的研究与探讨。
关键词: 上市公司,自愿性信息披露,影响因素分析
Abstract:With the development of capital markets, community information disclosure of listed companies made higher requirements, listed companies, only for mandatory disclosure of information can no longer meet the diverse information needs of investors. For listed companies, voluntary disclosure is a "double-edged sword." On the one hand, information disclosure can reduce information asymmetry between investors increased the levels of stock market liquidity, thereby reducing capital costs and increase corporate value. On the other hand, information disclosure may lead to "leak", the company's competitors may benefit from this, thus weakening the competitiveness of the company. Therefore, it should disclose the information to find the equilibrium point becomes very important. Therefore, factors influencing the quality of information disclosure is a direct impact on companies to disclose the contents of the information. This paper analyzes China's current voluntary disclosure of the status quo, for information disclosure on the main factors which affected mainly by the information and how to make disclosure of information disclosed and the information users have been win-win situation.
Key Words:Voluntary Disclosure,Cost-benefit analysis,Listed companies
信息披露一直是学术界研究热点,另外国外已建立行业内上市公司信息披露排名,比较成熟的证券市场上许多上市公司已经形成了以强制性披露为主、以自愿性披露为辅的财务信息披露模式,而国内除深圳证券市场对上市信息披露有考评机制,其它还缺少必要的定量评定。但在资本市场全球化发展大环境下,我国上市公司自愿性披露将呈增长趋势, 它将随着自愿性信息披露监督机制的建立及上市公司自愿性披露战略地位的不断提升而逐步走向成熟。做到在衡量信息披露质量时,考虑的内容尽可能全面,不仅包括披露信息真实性,还要包括披露信息时效性。上市公司会计信息披露诚信机制的建设是一个复杂的社会系统工程,它需要监管部门、上市公司以及社会公众三方共同努力、相互配合。种种严格的法律、法规,严厉的处罚并不是目的,只是对上市公司规范自身运作、诚实守信的披露会计信息的约束机制。